The Closer You Get to God the Closer He Is To You
JAMES 4:7– Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8- Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
RESIST – to refuse to accept something preventing by action or argument.
I need us to think as if God is talking to each situation in our lives. Listen to what he is saying.
Let my peace protect your mind and heart. Spend good time with me, making your request known to me with thanksgiving. This is how I guard your heart and mind. You and I together, you never face anything alone.
For Christians aloneness is an illusion— a dangerous one that can lead to depression or self pit the devil spends countless hours and minutes trying to cloud our mind against God.
This is when we must recognize and resist him. Use the word of God. Read it; ponder it; memorize it then speak it. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER.
Although God and Satan are at war, we don’t need to wait until the end to see who will win. God has already defeated Satan (Revelation 12:12 ) – Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. With the Holy Ghost we can resist him and he will flee from us.
How to draw close to God:
SUBMIT TO GOD – realize you need God and be willing to follow him.
RESIST THE DEVIL – don’t allow him to entice and tempt you to obey him.
CLEANSE YOUR HANDS AND PURIFY YOUR HEART – this means live a pure life.
EXPRESS SORROW FOR YOUR SINS – don’t take it lightly that your sins have been washed.
HUMBLE YOUR SELF – God will lift you up.
CLOSE – in a position to be very close to someone or something; with very little space between. Right now I know we are not to get too close to each other. But the virus can’t interfere with our closeness to God.
In 1976 the Commodores wrote a song that would become one of their biggest hits spending two weeks at the top. The words went something like this:
I’ve been through so many changes in my life
I’ve been up real high where I thought I didn’t need anybody
And then again I’ve been down real low where there was no one in my life who needed me
I found that material things I thought had so much value
Didn’t really have any value at all
I glen from this message that we can never get too close to God I also understand that he allows us to get as close as we want.
God just to be close to you. THE CLOSER YOU GET TO GOD THE CLOSER HE IS TO YOU
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